First assignment, mosquitos should die and more of El Seibo

3-29-10 10:00pm

Can I start this post off by saying that mosquitos should all be erased from the earth? What purpose do they serve other than killing and infecting millions of innocent people? Food for other bugs? I think they can survive. Mosquitos are definitely a population control tool (oh no, the mosquitos are coming! :) but I see no useful purpose for mosquitos and think all of mankind should just choose to exterminate these vile insects once and for all! P.S. Bites on or behind the knees are the worst, no wait, bites on your toes are pretty tough to handle too. Either way, I have a million bites and I cannot control my scratching. I have made most of my bites bleed which can't be good. Next time I am in town I am definitely going to see the nurse to get some B-complex (pills to fight off mosquito bites) because this is really starting to get ridiculous.

Training has started and I am starting to think there has got to be a better way to learn all of this material. First of all, technical training is boring. That is just in general! These crazy words and computer lingo is hard to follow before coming to the PC so trying to learn everything in huge groups is almost impossible. I am trying my best to just soak everything in but it has been pretty difficult to stay attentive. We go to class right after our huge lunches so when I am sitting there looking at a powerpoint I am fighting off my desire to sleep! One of my spanish teachers said I looked like death in class. haha. So I shall continue to learn everything I can everyday.

As for the rest of this glorious town, I am beginning to learn the streets little by little everyday and I am also trying to learn how to dance everyday too. The main dances here in the DR is bachata, meringue and a little bit of salsa. Everyone who knows me knows I love to dance so I have been trying to dance every chance I can to master the dances. I have the basic steps down but I am struggling to add "my flair". Haha. All of these dances are really pretty and I've gotten some compliments on my dancing which is great but I still want to be better. I am also trying to listen to more spanish music so I can learn the words of songs (which is a great way to learn the language). Francis as soon as I get a chance to burn you a CD of the songs I have I will send you a copy, I think you may like some of the songs. Look up Aventura, they are a main bachata band here.

This week I have to work on a lot of homework because on Monday I have to give a presentation (in spanish!) on information technology of this town through the eyes of professors. Luckily, my doña's children are all professors so I just need to interview them and prepare a presentation over the weekend. Right now it's Semana Santa so basically all the kids, teachers and most businesses are closed for this "holy" week. The best part about this week: A trip to the campo and rio this weekend! Yeah! I really hope we end up going and I can't wait to design my powerpoint. I know very nerdy but this is the most design I will have done in a while. I am dying to use any of the CS programs. I've been sketching a lot which has been fun but I really want to impress the others with my design skills.

Fun treat: Today I got to eat cucumbers with chile, lemon and tajin. Pretty much almost cried to have such a traditional dish from home. haha. It was DELICIOUS.

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4 Response to "First assignment, mosquitos should die and more of El Seibo"

  1. Unknown, on April 1, 2010 at 6:52 PM said:

    O man... you and cucumber with chili and lime! You ate that all the time! It is good! Can't wait to read more! Miss ya! Have fun!

  2. Francis, on April 1, 2010 at 7:26 PM said:

    Cucumber and lime and chili was always your'e favorite. Do you still like elotes? Emma eats almost a whole one now.

  3. Laura, on April 2, 2010 at 1:33 PM said:

    hahahahaha....a lady in my class told me I looked like hell last week. So funny. What do you even say to that? I just said nice to see you to Michelle.

  4. Unknown, on April 13, 2010 at 2:43 PM said:

    i always carry tajin in my purse! lol

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