Patience is a virtue....


So it's been a while now that I have been teaching the manejo basic classes and I am still alive. I say this because I have learned just how short my patience is and how frustrating it can be when you lack this important necessity. Patience. It means not getting frustrated when your students are chatting while you are talking, it means keeping your cool when as you're explaining how to do something there is a kid saying "proffe, proffe how do you do it?!"  On top of all these frustrating things there are frequent disturbances of people coming into the lab in the middle of your lecture just poking their heads in asking if they can sign up. Classes have been going on for a month now, what makes you think you can sign up now? And why are you interrupting my lecture? Ay ay yay. Definitely don't have patience for that! It is obvious that when you are teaching something you have to be patient. Its just frustrating when you think you taught someone and they come back the next week saying what I don't remember anything you said. Most of the time I have to re-teach everything I taught them and even then they need me to tell them how to do it again. Its exhausting.

I hope by the end of these classes I will be writing a blog post about all the wonderful feelings I have not just to end the damn manejo basico classes but feelings of accomplishment that I did show someone the use of the computer, that I did hopefully make someones life easier or change it in some way. For now I think I need to not get too distracted in the work I am doing but actually build relationships with these people. I was told earlier this week that I am way too closed of a person. They told me that I have not yet  grasped dominican culture. I disagree with this but what are you gonna do. Guess I have to eat more yucca and be late to more meetings. Hows that for dominican culture, so humph.

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